He was born on July 16, 1979. in Wroclaw. Deputy Marshal of the Lower Silesian Region, Councilor of the Lower Silesian Region (2018), Councilor of the Wrocław City Council (2014-2018), Advisor to the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Plenipotentiary of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship for Civil Society.
A graduate of the Wroclaw University in the field of International Relations. For many years he worked at the Wrocław city administration in the Mayor's Office and in the Department of Education. Associated with the third sector. Voted by Wrocław NGOs, he was elected to the Wrocław Public Benefit Council.
He has experience in the area of european funds. He prepared and implemented projects in the area of professional development of people with disabilities. He was a member of the Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Program Lower Silesia. He worked in the Provincial Council for Social Dialogue, on behalf of which he was a mediator in labor conflicts.
Imago Foundation
Address: Fundacja Imago,
ul. Hallera 123, 53-201 Wroclaw
Piotr Kuźniak
E-mail: isba.shortbreak@gmail.com
Call: +48 691 270 754
Magdalena Stempska
Email: isba2023@fundacjaimago.pl
Call: +48 665 552 887
Magda Mielczarek
+48 516 718 109
Email: isba.shortbreak@gmail.com
Call: +48 691 270 754
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