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Imago Foundation

Meet the IMAGO Foundation

Imago Foundation – established in 2009 r. Imago is a national leader in the development of personal assistance and respite services, the implementer of 6 national service programs in 2 regions for approx. 450 people annually. An organization networking institutions on national and international level. The foundation provides trainings for professionals, initiates research and development projects. Imago is a credible partner for public administration in the process of designing better social policy.

The foundation implemented over 100 projects financed form national or foreign resources. We are an active member of international and national federations, such as ISBA, EASPD, Polish Union of Supported Employment.

To learn more visit our website.

Meet the IMAGO Founder

Piotr Kuzniak
President Imago Foundation

Piotr Kuzniak– gained experience in:

  • Private sector: consulting and business development services, HR services for SMEs,
  • Public administration – local government unit: social projects management (seniors, youth),
  • Non-governmental sector: social projects management, transnational cooperation, consulting and cooperation with local government units, fundraising.

For the last 16 years continuously develops skills as a social project manager and project initiator (an author of over 100 project initiatives dedicated to persons with disabilities and their families). Since 2009 he’s been running his own foundation – an expert organization in cross-sector initiatives. Especially interested in transnational cooperation and short break development. Responsible for coordinating international and national work groups and seminars in the short breaks area. An author of reports, research studies and articles. Responsible for networking and creating links between local administration and NGOs. The President of International Short Break Association, member of the board of Polish Union of Supported Employment, chairman of Social Regional Disability Board, member of National Disability Consultancy Board.

BONITUM - the Wrocław Association for People with Intellectual Disability

Meet the Bonitum Assocciation

BONITUM - the Wrocław Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities - was founded in 2014 as an initiative of parents caring for adults with intellectual disabilities. Since 2018, it has been managing the BONITUM Community Self-Help House, organizing assisted living and respite care. The organization develops inclusive hiking trips, collaborates with the Polish Scout organisation, participates in numerous Special Olympics competitions and is a partner in the Job Coach project. BONITUM takes part in scientific conferences, international projects and has co-produced award-winning movies.

To learn more visit our website.

Meet the Bonitum Founder

Aleksandra Ciechanowicz
President Bonitum Association

Graduate (master's) of pedagogy at the University of Zielona Góra, and marketing studies at the University of Wroclaw. Completed postgraduate studies in Educational Management at the Wroclaw University of Technology and numerous courses and trainings in the field of projects for non-governmental organizations.

Founder and President of the Wroclaw Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities BONITUM, whose activity is to counteract social exclusion and marginalization of people with intellectually disability (ONI). The association supports parents' actions in the fight for rights and a better tomorrow for their children, devoting a lot of space to organizing help in adapting ONI to independent living in society through activity in the social, professional, family and health areas. The association created the Bonitum Community Self-help Center, which took care of 30 intellectually disabled adults, and has now initiated the creation of the Wrocław Social Center, which will cover the area of ​​housing, sheltered work and rehabilitation of ONI and the elderly. For several years she was the director of Wrocław Educational Institution, the owner of the “Leader” English language school. For over twenty years, she has been the owner of WES.expert, which creates a work environment conducive to achieving business goals.

Potrafię Pomóc Foundation

Meet the Potrafię Pomóc Foundation

Potrafię Pomóc Foundation – established in 2008 by parents providing care for children with developmental defects. Our aim is to support the whole family: children, young adults, adults with disabilities, in particular with rare or very rare diseases. The foundation is responsible for running Therapy and Assessment Center of Rare Diseases, Respite Appartement, Accessibility Institute, Education and Rehabilitation Center for Unique Children, Kindergarten and the first in Poland School of Childbirth for persons with disabilities. In 2021 we have supported over 10 000 people with disabilities. To learn more visit our website:

Potrafię Pomóc Foundation
Bartłomiej Skrzyński Therapy and Assessment Center of Rare Diseases


Meet the Potrafię Pomóc Foundation Founder

Adam Komar
President Potrafię Pomóc Foundation

Adam Komar is the president and founder of the Wrocław Fundacja „Potrafię Pomóc” („I Can Help” Foundation). The organization supports children and adults with disabilities, with rare or very rare diseases, and their families. The birth of Adam’s son, a person with disability, provided an impetus to establish the Foundation. The organization was founded in cooperation with other parents.

On the initiative of the Foundation in Wrocław operates:

  • the Centrum Diagnostyczno-Terapeutyczne Chorób Rzadkich im. Bartłomieja Skrzyńskiego (Bartłomiej Skrzyński Therapy and Assessment Center of Rare Diseases), that is unique in the country;
  • the Wrocławska Szkoła Rodzenia dla Osób z Niepełnosprawnością (Wrocław School of Childbirth for Persons with Disabilities);
  • the Ośrodek Rehabilitacyjno-Edukacyjny and the Terapeutyczny Punkt Przedszkolny dla Wyjątkowych Dzieci (Education and Rehabilitation Center and Kindergarten for Unique Children);
  • the Mieszkanie Opieki Wytchnieniowej (Respite Appartement);
  • the Instytut Dostępności (Accessibility Institute).

The foundation and foundation’s president have received numerous awards for social activity. The Foundation has been honoured, among others, with three „Lodołamacz” („Icebreaker”) statuettes. Adam Komar received the Nagroda Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich im. M. Lisa (Maciej Lis Award of Ombudsman), Wrocław Award 2022. He has been also granted by the title „Lodołamacz Specjalny” („Special Icebreaker”). 

Nice Stories Foundation

Meet the Nice Stories Foundation

The Nice Stories Foundation (Fundacja Ładne Historie) operates within the Lower Silesia region in Poland. Our activities are related to culture, education, sociocultural animation and accessibility.  We implement original programmes for children and young people (Lato na podwórku/Summer in the Yard in Świdnica and the Children and Youth Development and Activity Centre in Wrocław), we organize creative workshops and inspiring meetings for adults and senior citizens (Plac Grunwaldzki OD NOWA in Wrocław). An important area of our work is ensuring accessibility of culture and tourism to people with disabilities and their families (Łączą nas góry/Mountains connect us) - we design programmes in the area of respite care and social tourism that include not only people with disabilities, but also their families. We foster interaction, creativity and encourage creative action, teach mutual respect and empathy, mobilise local communities and create an ever-growing group of people who wish to do something for others.

The common denominator of all these activities are local communities - hence the wide range of public benefit objectives listed in our statutes, which enable us to respond to such communities’ diverse and changing needs. We are involved in intercultural activities, which are now essential in our work for local communities. We are committed to the concept of good neighbourly relations, serving as a glue and a frame of reference for mutual relationships - we put this idea in action by implementing courtyard activities in Świdnica or running the Local Activity Centre in the Grunwaldzki Square in Wrocław.

The Nice Stories Foundation was established in 2016. Our strategic goal is i.e., to create a shift in the way people think about education and social inclusion, as well as to develop new implementation tools. Our activities are not limited to one-off events, but involve a sustained, long-term collaboration aimed at building a network of partnerships at the regional and national levels. We have experience in the implementation of public tasks within the field of cultural education and social revitalisation, including those financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the National Cultural Centre, the National Freedom Institute - Centre for Civil Society Development, the PZU Foundation, local government funds, Norwegian Funds and EEA funds. Members of our team graduated from the PEF Fundraising School run by the Academy of Civic Organisations Foundation, both times with honours, and participated in the PROMENGO management training course.

We find good collaboration with partners - NGOs, institutions and businesses to be the key to effective action. We have initiated and led local partnership in the Grunwaldzki Square housing estate, which currently brings together 17 different entities, including the Estate Council, the Municipal Social Welface Centre, the Library, the Pasaż Grunwaldzki shopping mall, two social cooperatives, schools and NGOs. We are an active member of the Network of Local Activity Centres (SCAL Wrocław), also co-ordinating the network activities. We are signatories to the nationwide Partnership for Accessibility, a commitment we take very seriously, ensuring accessibility at the level of: programming, information, participation. The standards that the new Accessibility Act has just made mandatory this year, have been applied by us for a long time.

We are the initiators of the nationwide Active Respite Network, which brings together institutions and entities involved in respite tourism and other relevant activities. Currently, the network brings together 40 entities from across Poland.


Meet the Nice Stories Founder

Maria Zięba
President of the Board of the Nice Stories Foundation

Sociocultural animator, NGO advisor, project coordinator, social activist, researcher, fundraiser. Author of the Art of Fundraising publication series. Member of the Social Council for Culture appointed by the Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship; scholarship holder with the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2016 and 2021); since 2016 - President of the Nice Stories Foundation; graduated from cycle 2 of the Fundraising School curriculum organized by the Academy of Civic Organisations Foundation.


Conference organizer

FCHD Foundation
Fundación Chilena para la Discapacidad
Santa Corina 68, La Cisterna, Santiago, Chile

Conference Management

Matías Poblete
Email: isba.shortbreak@gmail.com

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