A mathematician, educator and coach by education. By passion Polish Scouting and Guiding Union instructor with 27 years of experience, scoutmaster. A social activist who creates his initiatives and projects at the speed of light. A mountain lover who gained experience during expeditions in the Tatra Mountains, the Alps and the Caucasus.
He puts a lot of work and commitment into the mental and technical preparation of young people for mountain excursions during both winter and summer season. In his activities he is guided by the motto: "nothing is impossible".
In 2020, together with other members of the 36th Red Beret Scout Troop, he created the "Sherpa of Hope" project. Over the years it has reached the entire country and involved wonderful volunteers to help people with disabilities conquer the Tatra peaks.
Imago Foundation
Address: Fundacja Imago,
ul. Hallera 123, 53-201 Wroclaw
Piotr Kuźniak
E-mail: isba.shortbreak@gmail.com
Call: +48 691 270 754
Magdalena Stempska
Email: isba2023@fundacjaimago.pl
Call: +48 665 552 887
Magda Mielczarek
+48 516 718 109
Email: isba.shortbreak@gmail.com
Call: +48 691 270 754
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