Let us Build Better Breaks Together as the conference motto states! The workshops are the very heart of each ISBA conference. This is where we learn how unique, complex and diverse short break programs might be globally. By showcasing a selected number of workshop presentations ISBA helps to develop better respite support and inspires to launch new services on the local, regional or national lever.
The Steering Committee invites everyone who designs, provides, uses, or needs respite/short break services to submit an application, including policy makers and program administrators, family caregivers, individuals who receive respite care, researchers, and caregiving professionals.
We are looking for 32 presentations related to the following topics:
The audience will include family caregivers, persons with disabilities, older adults, parents, grandparents, guardians, respite providers, social workers, case managers, program managers, nurses, researchers, advocates, direct support staff, teachers, leaders of faith-based organizations, policy makers, NGOs, public administration of all levels, and other community/business leaders who influence and shape the role of respite in the support network.
Our aim is to host 250 – 300 conference guests coming e.g. from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.
The conference will offer 45-minute time slots for oral presentations (including time for questionsand polish – english consecutive translation). Please think of creative ways to inform, engage, and energize the workshop audience. Presenters are welcomed and encouraged to develop interactive sessions that engage participants in discussion, networking, and an open exchange of ideas. You are encouraged to develop a proposal alone or with one or two other speakers on a related topic. The conference review committee retains the right to combine presentations with others under similar topics. Presenters will be notified in advance if this occurs. We will provide you with a workshop host and technical support. The host will introduce the presenters and manage time.
Each presenter will receive a 50 % discount off the total registration cost and will be granted a free entrance ticket to all conference social activities. An approved presenter’s registration must be completed and paid for by March 15, 2023 for the presenter’s session to be included in the conference.
Technology and software in care services
Each presenter should choose one topic to demonstrate. Presentations should demonstrate and/or discuss the potential for developing new opportunities. We would be particularly interested in contributions which demonstrate the following principles and ideas in practice: Inclusion, coproduction, collaboration, building and developing social capital, community development, widening opportunities, prevention and choice.
What makes a great workshop?
All completed proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Planning Committee using the following
We reserve the right to request modifications to a proposal before a final decision is made. We also reserve the right to combine presentations with similar topics in one session. Presenters will be notified in advance if this should occur.
Please contact conference team in case of any questions isba.shortbreak@gmail.com or find our Facebook profile www.facebook.com/isba2023
Imago Foundation
Address: Fundacja Imago,
ul. Hallera 123, 53-201 Wroclaw
Piotr Kuźniak
E-mail: isba.shortbreak@gmail.com
Call: +48 691 270 754
Magdalena Stempska
Email: isba2023@fundacjaimago.pl
Call: +48 665 552 887
Magda Kowalska
Email: isba2023@fundacjaimago.pl
Call: +48 690 504 673
Email: isba.shortbreak@gmail.com
Call: +48 691 270 754
Enter your e-mail address
Any questions, please write to us!
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